NURS 101 Human Biology I (Anatomy I)
This course is designed to let students understand the normal structure of the body and apply this knowledge in nursing. Internationally accepted nomenclature is introduced and used throughout the course. The students are exposed to preserved body structures to aid better understanding. Diagrams of anatomical structures are presented as part of the course.
NURS 102 Human Biology III (Anatomy II)
This course is a continuation of NURS 101. Students are presented with preserved body structures to aid better understanding. Diagrams of anatomical structures are provided as part of the course. Descriptions of anatomic structures of the genito-urinary, male and female reproductive systems, central and peripheral nervous systems, endocrine and musculo-skeletal systems are provided.
NURS 103 Human Biology II (Physiology I)
This course is designed to give students in-depth knowledge in the general function and physiological processes of the normal human body. Students study the functions and specific biophysiochemical properties of organs and systems outlined in the content – circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems as well as metabolism.
NURS 104 Human Biology IV (Physiology II)
This course is a continuation of NURS 103. It is designed to increase students’ knowledge in the physiological processes involved in the normal functioning of the musculo-skeletal, endocrine, urinary, nervous, reproductive systems and special sensory organs. Students study specific biophysiochemical properties of these systems.
NURS 105 Introduction to Community Health
This course is an introduction to Community Health Nursing. Students are introduced to the concepts of community and health. Types of communities and the characteristics of healthy communities are discussed. Theoretical basis of community diagnosis forms part of the course. Students are equipped with knowledge and skills for effective disease prevention and health promotion. The determinants of health, personal health management and components of environmental health are examined. There is a practical component that exposes students to a variety of methods for community diagnosis.
NURS 106 Historical Perspectives of Nursing
This course is designed to introduce students to the nursing profession.
It explores the historical development of nursing, different perspectives on the preparation of nurses, ethical standards and role expectations in nursing, and the legal implications of nursing practice. Students are acquainted with the objectives and structures of the various nursing and health related organizations at local, national and international levels.
NURS 107 Introductory Physics
The course is designed to equip students with basic knowledge in the areas of physics that are critical to nursing: mechanics, optics, electricity and radioactivity. The students are made aware of the applications and hazards associated with radioactive substances and electrical gadgets in healthcare settings. The students are required to carry out practical sessions in the laboratory.
NURS 108 Introductory Chemistry
The course is designed for students who enter the programme with Arts background. It is aimed at providing students with essential knowledge in organic and inorganic chemistry. The course emphasizes core issues in chemistry, which help the nurse understand biochemical processes in the body as well as environmental phenomena relevant to nursing.
NURS 109 Mental Health
This course is designed to assist students gain knowledge in basic concepts in psychiatric/mental health nursing which are useful to students in understanding behaviours of clients. The course is useful to students who are preparing to care for patients with biopsychosocial needs in a variety of clinical settings. It assists students to appreciate developments in psychiatric/mental health care over the years.
NURS 114 Nursing Practical I (Emergency Care)
This course equips students with knowledge and skills that can be utilized to provide safety/ emergency care to individuals in the community. The course includes practical sessions in the nursing laboratory.
NURS 211 Family Health Crisis Intervention I
The aim of the course is to introduce the student to the body’s adaptive properties and the consequences of a breakdown in the mechanisms as manifested in the form of disease. Theories of disease causation and the body’s adaptive mechanisms are discussed. Also, pathophysiology, psychopathology as well as appropriate medical, surgical, psychiatric, nutritional and nursing interventions are discussed. The characteristic reactions of individuals of different age groups and their families to diseases are discussed. Nursing management of the diseases is studied by the case method through the process of assessment and diagnosis of the problem, planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing interventions towards the goals of conservation of the patients’ energy and conservation of his structural, personal and social integrity (Levine’s Theory)
NURS 212 Family Health Crisis Intervention II
The course is a continuation of NURS 211. Conditions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are discussed. Details of pathophysiology and psychopathology of more common diseases of the two systems are studied with specific medical, surgical, psychiatric, nutritional and nursing interventions bearing in mind, the reaction of people in different age groups. The nursing process approach is used to manage these conditions. Levine’s theory of conservation of energy is applied.
NURS 213 Family Health Crisis Practical I
This course is a practical component of NURS 211. Students have six hours clinical experience weekly at the medical and surgical units. Lecturers, nurse technicians and preceptors supervise the students. Clinical conferences are organized to discuss the students’ clinical experiences.
NURS 214 Family Health Crisis Practical II
This course is a practical component of NURS 212. Students have six hours clinical experience weekly at the medical and surgical units. The students work under the supervision of lecturers, nurse technicians and preceptors. Clinical conferences are organized to discuss the students’ clinical experiences after each visit.
NURS 215 Community Health Nursing I
This course helps students to understand the concept of communication, health education and health promotion. Community mobilization, organization and participation are stressed as basic requirement for effective community health work. As a learning experience, students study families to demonstrate the ability to utilize various health education methods for health promotion among families and communities.
NURS 216 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing
This course provides insight into various nursing theories. It focuses on both theory and practical utilization of concepts discussed. It also consists of presentations and applied exercises. It provides students the chance to critically analyze some of the existing nursing theories. Thus, the programme is designed to equip the nursing student to meet both professional and social expectations in the rapidly changing world.
NURS 218 Community Health Nursing II
In this course, concepts in Epidemiology are discussed. The natural history of disease is highlighted, including the factors of disease causation. The various levels of disease prevention are discussed. The students are introduced to family dynamics through a family study. This prepares the student to assess the health status of individuals, families and groups through the use of the nursing process in the community setting. The basic needs of families and special programmes for meeting health needs of the family are also discussed. Students are supervised to carryout a family study as part of the course.
NURS 222 Human Biology V (Microbiology)
This course is designed to give students knowledge about microbial organisms, how infections are transmitted and how to disinfect and sterilize materials. The course has a concurrent practical component to enable students view microorganisms using the light/electronic microscopes. The importance is to apply the knowledge gained to prevent cross infection in nursing practice settings.
NURS 224 Nursing Practical II
This course is a long vacation practicum for Level 200 students lasting for six weeks. The course begins with a one-week classroom orientation and demonstrations in the nursing laboratory. The students are afterwards rotated at the following places: Theatres and Recovery ward, Chest ward, Fevers unit and Central Sterilization Supply Department (C.S.S.D.) Students spend six (6) hours daily on the ward at these units. They work under the supervision of lectures, nurse technicians and preceptors. Clinical conferences are organized to discuss the students’ clinical experiences.
NURS 311 Family Health Crisis Intervention III
The course is a continuation of NURS 212 Details of pathophysiology and psychopathology of more common diseases of the two systems are studied with appropriate medical, surgical, psychiatric, nutritional and nursing interventions. Characteristic reactions of individuals of different age groups and the family to the state of ill health and the crisis created as a result of the disease process are considered. The nursing process approach is used to give holistic care to patients suffering from these conditions. The theoretical framework used is Levine’s theory of conservation of energy. Assessment procedures of these systems are discussed and demonstrated.
NURS 312 Family Health Crisis Intervention IV
This course is a continuation of NURS 311 and deals with conditions of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders and the integumentary system. Details of pathophysiology and psychopatho-logy of diseases outlined in the content are studied with appropriate medical, surgical, psychiatric, nutritional and nursing interventions. Each patient/family is treated as a unique entity. The nursing process approach is applied. The goal of the course is towards conservation of the patient’s energy, conservation of his structural, personal and social integrity.
NURS 313 Family Health Crisis Practical III
This is a practical component of NURS 311. Students have six hours clinical experience weekly at the medical and surgical units, are under the supervision of lecturers, nurse technicians preceptors. Ward conferences are organized to discuss the students’ clinical experiences.
NURS 314 Family Health Crisis Practical IV
This course is a practical component of NURS 312. Students are to have six hours clinical experience weekly at the medical and surgical units. Lecturers, nurse technicians and preceptors supervise the students. Ward conferences are organized to discuss the students’ clinical experiences.
NURS 315 Human Biology VI (Pharmacology)
This course is designed to equip students with knowledge in the domain of pharmacology. Students are taught the principles of administration of drugs, effects of drugs, as well as excretion of drugs from the body. The different classes of drugs and their effect on the various body systems are discussed. Various side effects of drugs are also analyzed.
NURS 316 Human Biology VII (Pathology)
This course is designed to expose students to pathological processes that occur in the human body. Students are taken through cellular basis of diseases, inflammatory processes, healing of wounds, fractures etc. Concepts in immunology, neoplasm etc are discussed. There is concurrent practical, which exposes students to pathological tissues macroscopically and microscopically.
NURS 317 Community Health Nursing III
This course is designed to further develop the students’ epidemiological knowledge and skills. The relationship between the environment and the health of populations are discussed. Control of communicable diseases is intensively treated. Students are assisted to maintain an effective ‘cold chain’ system
NURS 318 Nursing Research Methodology
This course introduces students to the use of scientific process in identification, study and solution of problems. It introduces the student to principles and techniques of research process as a tool for solving problems in nursing. It stimulates and develops in the student, research consciousness, critical and creative mind necessary for solving nursing problems. It also creates the awareness of utilization of research findings.
NURS 319 Obstetric Nursing I
The course prepares students in competencies that empower them to give appropriate obstetric care to women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. It also addresses care of the newborn during the neonatal period.
NURS 324 Mental Health Nursing I
This course is designed to equip the student with knowledge of the theoretical basis for psychiatric/mental health nursing. It includes the processes of assessment, admission and discharge of various categories of people with mental health problems, as well as the legal and ethical issues involved in these processes. This knowledge guides the student to identify client problems, determine and respect client rights in psychiatric nursing practice.
The course also includes discussion on minor psychiatric disorders, which can assist the student in selecting appropriate nursing interventions to resolve client’s problems.
NURS 326 Gynaecological Nursing
The course is designed to equip students with knowledge on the various disorders of the female reproductive system, sexually transmitted diseases, problems of fertility and skills in the management of these conditions. Students are equipped with competencies to enable them handle clients with gynaecological problems with understanding, empathy and tact.
NURS 328 Nursing Practical III
This course is a long vacation practicum for level 300 students. Students have experiences at the psychiatric hospital and paediatric units for three weeks each, spending six (6) hours daily for the six weeks. Lecturers, nurse technicians and preceptors supervise them. Clinical conferences are organized to discuss the students’ clinical experiences.
NURS 431 Family Health Crisis Intervention V
This course is a continuation of NURS 312 and covers conditions of the musculo-skeletal and nervous systems. The pathophysiology and psychopathology of the common diseases with appropriate medical, surgical, psychiatric, nutritional and nursing interventions are treated. Nursing management of the diseases is studied using the nursing process approach. Levine’s theory of conservation of energy is used as a frame of reference. Practical demonstration of assessment procedures of these systems forms an integral part of the course.
NURS 432 Family Health Crisis Intervention VI
This course is a continuation of NURS 431 and is designed to discuss conditions of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Details of the conditions outlined are discussed with appropriate medical, surgical, psychiatric, nutritional and nursing interventions. Each patient/family is treated as a unique entity. The nursing process approach is used to render care to patient/families suffering from these conditions. Levine’s theory of conservation of energy is used as a frame of reference.
NURS 433 Family Health Crisis Practical V
This course is the practical component of NURS 431. Students have six hours clinical experience weekly during the semester and are rotated in the orthopaedic, neuro-surgical, genito-urinary and cardio thoracic wards. The students are exposed to these specialty wards to help them acquire skills in caring for patients with these special problems. Lecturers, nurse technicians and preceptors supervise the students. Clinical conferences are organized to discuss the students’ clinical experiences.
NURS 434 Family Health Crisis Practical VI
This course is the practical component of NURS 432. Students spend six hours a week during the semester at the eye, ear, nose and throat department. Students also have experiences at the theatre to observe surgical procedures on these special organs. Lecturers, nurse technicians and preceptors supervise students. Clinical conferences are organized to discuss the students’ clinical experiences.
NURS 435 Tools and Methods of Teaching Nursing
This course is designed to explore the various methods and tools employed in the process of teaching. It aims at equipping nursing students with the knowledge and skills that the nurse educator requires in order to translate curriculum objectives into measurable outcomes. The scope of the course extends from preparation before teaching begins, through the various methods and processes of teaching knowledge-based and skill-based competencies. It also captures assessment methodologies of learning achieved in students. Students do microteaching in class employing various methods of instruction in preparation for practice teaching in schools of nursing.
NURS 436 Community Health Nursing IV
This course equips students with the requisite knowledge and skills relating to community health practice. The main strategy is to expose students to various concepts and principles in community health nursing. The historical development of community health in Ghana and abroad (UK/USA) is traced. The process and methods of community health nursing is also examined. The importance of vital statistics, record keeping and report writing in community health practice is stressed.
NURS 437 Nursing Seminar
This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to discuss events and issues that influence health in general, and/or nursing in particular. The seminar is intended to enhance the socialization of students into the nursing culture. Students identify topics of interest to them and make presentations to the class for discussion and critique.
NURS 438 Reproductive Health
This course includes a wide range of topics related to population dynamics, human reproduction and health related issues. The population education component is intended to give the students insight into the basic principles of population dynamics and problems in order to help them appreciate the importance of family planning to national development efforts. The reproductive health component is intended to help students gain better understanding of the human reproductive process, its control and problems associated with unregulated procreation and adolescent sexuality.
NURS 439 Mental Health Nursing II
This course focuses on major mental disorders and the rehabilitation of the mentally ill. It is designed to enhance students’ mental health nursing skills. It also includes discussion on perspectives and trends in mental health/psychiatric nursing. The student is assisted to plan and deliver care that will stabilize the individual client’s health status. Students are equipped with skills to provide health teaching for effective self-care after discharge, to facilitate reintegration of client into the community.
NURS 440 Curriculum Development in Nursing Education
This course teaches students to basic curricular concepts and the application of curriculum development process to nursing education in particular. Factors influencing curriculum development and learning are examined in relation to nursing education. Students are expected to study and critique nursing curricula at various levels.
NURS 441 Obstetric Nursing II
This course is designed to assist students to detect deviations from the normal states of pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period as well as complications of the newborn baby. Students are equipped with knowledge to treat minor ailments of the mother and the newborn and where necessary, make referral for specialists’ attention.
NURS 442 Project Work
This course is designed to test the students’ skills in defining a problem and designing appropriate research to investigate that problem. The course aims at testing skills in writing literature search and analytical thinking. The students present the research problem for approval and carry out the research under supervision of lecturers. At the end of the semester, two copies of typed work are presented for assessment.
NURS 443 Nursing Service Administration And Administration of Schools of Nursing
The course is designed to help students gain knowledge in the management of health care institutions in the country. This is to enable them function effectively in administrative positions to which they are appointed upon graduation. The course builds upon the basic course in Principles of Administration and guides the student towards the application of the principles of administration within the context of health services delivery at unit, departmental and institutional levels.
NURS 444 Nursing Practical IV
This course is a long vacation practicum for Level 400 students. Students who are already Registered nurses have four (4) weeks family planning clinical experience, one (1) week teaching practice and one (1) week nursing administration experience. Generic students spend three (3) weeks in the obstetric and gynaecology units, two (2) weeks in medical-surgical wards and one (1) week community health nursing experience. The students spend six (6) hours daily on the ward and they work under the supervision of lecturers, nurse technicians and preceptors. Clinical conferences are organized to discuss the students’ clinical experiences.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
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